
Teden ciljev trajnostnega razvoja 2024

Teden ciljev trajnostnega razvoja
From December 04, 2024 until December 06, 2024
Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokio, Japonska
(Prosimo, da še enkrat preverite datume in lokacijo na spodnji uradni strani, preden se udeležite.)

Cilji trajnostnega razvoja AICHI EXPO 2022 | Tokijski teden trajnostnih financ 2022

SDGs AICHI EXPO 2020. Contact information Tokyo Financial Award: Announcement for the Award Ceremony. Financial Seminar for Youth--Session 3. Financial Seminar for Youth--Session2. Financial Seminar For Everyone. Tokyo Sustainable Finance Forum Financial Seminar for Youth--Session 1 ICMA & JSDA Annual Sustainable Bond Conference 2020. Green Finance Seminar 2020. TIME TO ACT: Hydrogen Forum 2022.

SDGs AICHI EXPO 2020, the third SDGs AICHI EXPO will promote more concrete partnerships between various actors and generations, with the primary objective of realizing the "Aichi Partnership for Future Co-Creation".To achieve the 2030 goal, it will be necessary to integrate the various challenges facing the region, starting with the environment, while simultaneously realizing all social themes, such as a decarbonized, recycling-oriented, nature-friendly, and diverse society.SDGs AICHI EXPO2022, a rare event, brings together multiple actors, such as companies, local government, NPOs and schools, to create new partnerships that are suitable for the SDGs era.

SDGs Izvršni odbor AICHI EXPO Tel:052-971-6233 (delovnik 10:00 ~ 17:00) E-pošta:[e-pošta zaščitena].

Tokyo Financial Award se podeljuje finančnim podjetjem, ki spodbujajo ESG naložbe, in tistim, ki razvijajo in zagotavljajo inovativne izdelke in storitve, ki prispevajo k reševanju in reševanju problemov ljudi v Tokiu.

Zadetki: 1264

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Zemljevid prizorišča in hoteli v okolici

Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokio, Japonska Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokio, Japonska


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