
Georgetown Wooden Boat Show 2024

Georgetown Wooden Boat Show
From October 19, 2024 until October 20, 2024
Georgetown - Downtown Georgetown, Teksas, ZDA
(Prosimo, da še enkrat preverite datume in lokacijo na spodnji uradni strani, preden se udeležite.)
Kategorije: Logistika in prevoz
Tags: Čoln

Kmalu... Georgetown Wooden Boat Show | Georgetown, SC

Kmalu bo na voljo naša nova spletna aplikacija za registracijo in nakup! Še vedno lahko to storite na staromoden način s klikom TUKAJ.

Kmalu bomo imeli novo spletno aplikacijo za registracijo in nakup! Še vedno lahko to storite na staromoden način s klikom TUKAJ.

It was an amazing day. Thank you again for the opportunity. It's one of our best events! It was a wonderful time.

Vsako leto prepotujem 600 milj, da se udeležim tega velikega dogodka.

Thank you very much for an amazing show. I am from Raleigh, and I didn't know about the fire before I saw the "pile". This show was made possible by people who did incredible things. Next year...

Thank you for another wonderful WBS! The WBS gets better and better each year. We had a wonderful time, and I was able sail "Piccaroon" off the riverfront. Best wishes.

Hvala vsem v Georgetownu, ki so pripravili tako čudovito predstavo. Veselim se naslednjega leta. Lep pozdrav.

The Wooden Boat Show 2013 was a blessing for Georgetown. Georgetown needed a healing event that would bring people together. The positive attitude of both the organizers as well as the attendees, gave us all the hope for a brighter future.

We were welcomed and assisted by several fine people who made our stay very easy. The gentleman who guided us to our spot went above and beyond in order to assist us... The number of participants made it easy to break down and leave the show.

Zadetki: 2103

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Prijavite se na uradni spletni strani Georgetown Wooden Boat Show

Zemljevid prizorišča in hoteli v okolici

Georgetown - Downtown Georgetown, Teksas, ZDA Georgetown - Downtown Georgetown, Teksas, ZDA


800 Preostali znaki