
Nizozemska perutninska razstava 2024

Nizozemska razstava perutnine
From October 16, 2024 until October 17, 2024
Hardenberg - Evenementenhal Hardenberg, Overijssel, Nizozemska
(Prosimo, da še enkrat preverite datume in lokacijo na spodnji uradni strani, preden se udeležite.)

Nizozemska razstava svinjine in perutnine | 16. in 17. oktober 2024

Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo. Themes Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo. Future of poultry and pig farming. Smart Animal Farming. Exhibitor speaks: Het Anker. Exhibitor speaks: Farminc. Exhibitor speaks: AHV International. Stay updated! Now is the time to book your stand at Hardenberg or Den Bosch.

Prireditvena dvorana Hardenberg.

To je dogodek, kjer se lahko kot razstavljavec srečate z vsemi strokovnjaki v sektorju perutnine in prašičev.

Vse informacije, ki jih potrebujete za pripravo na udeležbo na sejmu, najdete tukaj: Easygo, My Easyfairs in druge možnosti.

Tukaj boste izvedeli vse, kar morate vedeti o prašičereji in perutninarstvu!

Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo serves both the pig and poultry sectors. Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo provides a variety of products, services and knowledge sharing to inspire the entire pig & poultry sector.

You can exhibit your products to both poultry and pig farmers. It is also a great opportunity to meet other exhibitors and network with them.

You will meet a variety of experts, partners in knowledge and other colleagues within the industry as a visitor. Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo has a wide range of exhibitors, a rich programme and will therefore make sure that you're ready for the future.

Kako lahko poskrbite, da bo vaše podjetje pripravljeno na prihodnost in pripravljeno na nove izzive? Tu sta tehnologija in inovacije ključnega pomena. Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo je kraj, kjer lahko to odkrijete.

Zadetki: 2349

Prijavite se za vstopnice ali kabine

Prijavite se na uradni spletni strani Dutch Poultry Expo

Zemljevid prizorišča in hoteli v okolici

Hardenberg - Evenementenhal Hardenberg, Overijssel, Nizozemska Hardenberg - Evenementenhal Hardenberg, Overijssel, Nizozemska


800 Preostali znaki