
Metal 2024

From September 24, 2024 until September 25, 2024
Kielce - Targi Kielce, Swietokrzyskie, Poljska
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METAL - XXV Międzynarodowe Targi Technologii dla Odlewnictwa METAL ‹ Targi Kielce SA

Menu - header. METAL MENU - HEADER (ADDITIONAL). METAL (24-25/09/2024). XXV International Fair of Technologies for Foundry, METAL. Metal 2024 will showcase the latest technologies in foundry, automotive and green industries. Knowledge of substance. Green Foundry Industrial Autumn 2024. ALUMINUM AND NONFERMET. METAL fair according to exhibitors.

Mednarodni sejem livarske tehnike METAL nenehno raste. Izdaja 2024 obljublja, da bo pomembno mesto za napredek livarske tehnologije na številnih področjih. "Industrijska jesen", ki poteka v Targi Kielce, bo trajala tri dni. Udeleženci bodo imeli priložnost odkriti rešitve, ki bodo industrijo popeljale naprej. Dogodek združuje sektorje, kot so metalurgija in toplotna obdelava, pa tudi neželezne izdelke in recikliranje.

The structural casting process is one of the most advanced technologies in high-pressure casting. This method is also used in the automotive and military industries. This is a great opportunity for both companies and foundries to develop. The Metal Fair in Kielce is a good place to observe this trend. In 2024 the leading companies that specialize in structural casting machines are expected to present their most recent achievements.

The Metal Fair does not just focus on exhibitors and technologies. It also provides a wealth of knowledge from experts in specific fields. During its three-day run, the Metal Fair will include seminars, workshops and lectures on topics like Industry 4.0. digitalization, metrology, and ecology.

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Zemljevid prizorišča in hoteli v okolici

Kielce - Targi Kielce, Swietokrzyskie, Poljska Kielce - Targi Kielce, Swietokrzyskie, Poljska


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