
Gymnasiedagarna 2024

From October 08, 2024 until October 10, 2024
Göteborg - VästKom, okrožje Västra Götaland, Švedska
(Prosimo, da še enkrat preverite datume in lokacijo na spodnji uradni strani, preden se udeležite.)

Gymnasiedagarna och Future Skills | – för dig som ska göra ett framtidsval!

It's time for the high school elections! Find secondary education. Find companies and industries. The road to election - high school and the future. Further from Gymnasiedagarna and Future Skills. Sorgardsskolan's preparation for upper secondary exams. We thank you for visiting our high school fair. Here is the fair catalog for this year! Follow-up: Information meeting for parents via digital technology

Do you have any questions about the education that you want to pursue? You can find information on upper secondary schools and get inspired by the future professions. Gymnasiumdagarna.se is all about providing the best conditions for making the right decision in the future.

You can prepare for the high school fair in 2024 by completing various tasks and games on gymnasiedagarna.se.

Kaj so točke zaslug? Kakšno bo povpraševanje po delovnih mestih v prihodnosti? Kako lahko najbolje podpiram svojega otroka med izbirnim postopkom za višje srednje šole? V 14 epizodah Vagen mot valet boste našli odgovore na vsa ta vprašanja in še več!

Gymnasiedagarna & Future Skills (GR) is a Gothenburg Region initiative.Future Skills is a collaborative effort between the Gothenburg Region, Business Region Gothenburg, and Vastra Gotaland Region. GRvux is a supporter of Gymnasiedagarna & future Skills.

Contact person at GR: Lena Sjostrand, [e-pošta zaščitena].

Zadetki: 4289

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Prijavite se na uradni spletni strani Gymnasiedagarna

Zemljevid prizorišča in hoteli v okolici

Göteborg - VästKom, okrožje Västra Götaland, Švedska Göteborg - VästKom, okrožje Västra Götaland, Švedska


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