

From September 26, 2024 until September 28, 2024

V New Delhiju - indijski mednarodni kongresni in razstavni center, Delhi, Indija

Objavil Canton Fair Net

Kategorije: Inženirski sektor, Industrijsko blago

Zadetki: 5764

Sign in to Your Account. 26th, 27th and 28th September 2024. 5th -10th October 2023. Interaction with key buyers. Launch of new products. Display your products and services. Understand the competition. Build brand awareness Know about visitors. Know about visitors Highlights of the previous edition. How can we take part in the exhibition? Who is eligible to participate? How much does it cost to participate?

26TH - 28THSEPTEMBER 20, 2024Yashobhoomi, India International Convention & Expo Centre, Dwarka, New Delhi.

Yashobhoomi, indijski mednarodni kongresni in razstavni center, Dwarka, New Delhi.

Vedeti več.

Z veseljem najavljamo DEMOex, edinstven in nov vidik oddaje. Naši razstavljavci lahko svojim ciljnim občinstvom predstavijo svoje izdelke in storitve v živo. V DEMOexu sta na voljo dve možnosti: Razstavljavci lahko rezervirajo odprt prostor v dvorani zunaj za vse tri dni. V svojem zunanjem prostoru lahko predstavijo svoje izdelke v živo pred večjim občinstvom in poudarijo, kaj jih dela zanimive. Razstavljavci lahko rezervirajo tudi termine v DEMOexu za predstavitev svojega izdelka v živo, da povečajo izpostavljenost in pridobijo izkušnje pred kupci različne industrije. Za več informacij se obrnite na ekipo.«.

Izvedite več o nagradah za inovacije.

"Services International and the Indian Institute of Fire Engineers have partnered to identify possible industry trendsetters. It's time for us to recognize our achievements and give them the credit they deserve!The Innovation Awards will be presented in 2023 to individuals, teams, and organizations for their contribution in promoting innovation and quality.We are focusing on recognizing companies who develop solutions that benefit the fire safety and life safety industries, as well as disaster management and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and allow users to perform better.Innovations that were developed within the last two (2) years (by 2021) will be eligible for awards. The event will accept any product that is in its early stages of development, as long as the product is present at the event.Contact the team for more information.