ChemBio Finska

ChemBio Finska

From April 15, 2026 until April 16, 2026

V Helsinkih - Messukeskus Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finska

Objavil Canton Fair Net

ChemBio Finska 15.–16. april 2026 | Helsinki Expo and Convention Center

ChemBio Finland 2026. ChemBio Finland in 2026. Opening hours and entrance. ChemBio Finland News. The event program is now available. What we know (and don't know) about climate change The 3D printing technology offers many possibilities for various industries. Romulus Seminar: Sustainable Innovations in Convergence. Latest Press Articles. Messukeskus is also available at the same time.

Helsinški razstavni in kongresni center gosti dogodek na področju kemije in biotehnologije.

ChemBio Finland has become the largest event in the Nordic Countries, Baltic Regions and for chemistry and biotechnology specialists. The event brings together the latest information from the industry with renowned professionals, companies and decision makers. This event is a great opportunity for academics and business people to interact and meet.

Messukeskus skupaj s finskimi kemijskimi društvi (FIB), finsko bioindustrijo in Finsko zvezo kemične industrije organizira dogodek ChemBio Finland.

Strokovnjaki, ki se prijavijo na spletu ali osebno pred dogodkom, so upravičeni do brezplačnega vstopa.