Food Northwest Process & Packaging Expo

Food Northwest Process & Packaging Expo

From March 18, 2025 until March 20, 2025

At Portland - 777 NE Martin Luther King, Oregon, USA

Objavil Canton Fair Net

Food Northwest Letni dogodki

The Bite, marec 2023. The Bite, februar 2023. The Bite, januar 2023. The Bite, december 2022. The Bite november 2022 The Bite, oktober 2022. NWFPA PREIMENOVAN Food Northwest. Food Northwest napove vojno listeriji

Ali iščete hiter vodnik po naših vsakoletnih dogodkih? Ni treba iskati več!

Predstavniki podjetij članic Food Northwest so vabljeni, da se udeležijo posebnega srečanja, da bi pridobili več znanja o tem, kaj je potrebno, da postaneš vpliven vodja.

Poudarek dogodka je na mreženju in vzpostavljanju odnosov.

Se že veselite leta 2023? Mi smo! Kirsten Ringen je dosegljiva na 503.327.2200, če imate kakršna koli vprašanja.

Možnosti sponzorstva: Kurt Vetsch na 503.327.2246.

Food Northwest Process & Packaging Expo se vrača! Udeležite se največjega regionalnega sejma proizvodnje hrane.

The expanded educational offerings will include technical, energy and sustainability issues, as well as environmental and policy concerns. Participants include all sectors of the food industry, including fresh, dried, packaged, canned and frozen, beverage, bakery, dairy, seafood, meats, produce, specialty foods, and suppliers. The 120,000-square-foot exhibit hall features cutting edge technology, production equipment, packaging, hygiene and construction services.

Bi radi izvedeli več? Obrnite se na Kirsten Ringen na 503.327.2200 ali [e-pošta zaščitena].

Kurt Vetsch, 503.327.2246 [email protected] or [email hidden] for sponsorship & exhibiting.