
Craft Praga 2025

Obrtna Praga
From February 06, 2025 until February 08, 2025
Praga - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praga, Češka
(Prosimo, da še enkrat preverite datume in lokacijo na spodnji uradni strani, preden se udeležite.)
Kategorije: Umetnost in obrt
Tags: Obrti

Hlavní témata veletrhu | Střechy-Solar-Řemeslo

Glavne teme sejma. Strešne kritine, tako za ravne kot poševne strehe. Strešna okna, strešna okna. Zelene fasade in strehe. Zadrževanje deževnice. Toplotna izolacija in izolacijski sistem. Terase, pergole, lesene konstrukcije. Orodja, tehnologija, droni, digitalizacija. Solarni sistemi, fotovoltaika in toplotne črpalke ter druge rešitve za varčevanje z energijo. Na portalu Naša streha so na voljo nagrade v višini 100,000 CZK. Hvala za udeležbo in razglasitev datuma 2025.

The fair's main themesActualityRoofs-Solar-Crafts Fair is a trade fair that focuses on solar systems, roofs and other energy-saving technologies. The fair is a permanent home for quality craftsmanship, the latest tools and technologies that promote efficient work. We have listed below the major topics that will be covered at the fair.Roof coverings for flat and pitched roofsThe roofs of buildings are protected from all external influences by flat and pitched roofs. They are an important part of the design and construction of new buildings. The choice of roof covering is important and should be based on the following factors: slope, weight, climate, aesthetics, and price. This is the perfect opportunity to make a decision as there are many different roofing types on display. You will find here stacked concrete and burnt tiles, natural and synthetic slate, smooth and profiled metal roofing that imitates classic tiles, asphalt shingles and fiber cement roofing as well as foils and strips for flat roofs.SkylightsSkylights are essential for modern roofs that cover residential attics. Skylights let sunlight into the attic, promoting a healthy environment inside and adding to aesthetics and comfort. The fair will feature these important architectural elements, which are inextricably linked to roofs. They are available with the latest designs and energy-efficient features, as well as a variety of accessories such blinds, automatic controls, or blinds.Photo Gallery.

Zadetki: 2448

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Zemljevid prizorišča in hoteli v okolici

Praga - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praga, Češka Praga - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praga, Češka


800 Preostali znaki