
novoletno darilo. Prijetna hiša 2024

Novoletno darilo. Prijetna hiša
From December 10, 2024 until December 15, 2024
Irkutsk - Sibexpocentre, Irkutska oblast, Rusija
(Prosimo, da še enkrat preverite datume in lokacijo na spodnji uradni strani, preden se udeležite.)

Novogodnij podarok. Уютный dom. 2022

Gifts for the New Year Cozy home. 2022. Immerse yourself in the world of childhood, fairytales and miracles. The main events of the event. "Gifts that have meaning" FABERLIC offers master classes on holiday skin care and makeup. Aromatic tasting. Father Frost's residence. "Gifts that have meaning" "Gifts that have meaning" "Gifts that have meaning." FABERLIC offers master classes on holiday skin care and makeup. Aromatic tasting.

13.–19. december 2022 | Rusija, Irkutsk.

Since childhood, many generations have enjoyed the New Year. It is a holiday that is loved by many generations. We decorate our Christmas trees with our parents and children, enjoy hot tea at home and receive sweet presents, and then eat tangerines and Olivier throughout the week. The most magical and pleasant aspect of this main holiday is the gifts. It doesn't really matter how old you get, if you still believe in Santa Claus and give yourself or others gifts. Even if you are an adult and planning a surprise gift for your children, relatives, or friends, the magic of the New Year will always be with us.

Razstava "Novoletno darilo" "Udoben dom" prebivalcem Irkutska in obiskovalcem mesta med drugim pomaga pri izbiri daril, dekoracije za dom, prazničnih storitev in oblačil.

Organizator razstave: Sibexpocentre OJSC, član Ruske zveze razstav in sejmov in vodilna razstavna organizacija v regiji Baikal.

Na razstavi bo veliko zanimivih dogodkov za otroke in starše.

Zadetki: 2915

Prijavite se za vstopnice ali kabine

Prijavite se na uradni spletni strani novoletnega darila. Prijetna hiša

Zemljevid prizorišča in hoteli v okolici

Irkutsk - Sibexpocentre, Irkutska oblast, Rusija Irkutsk - Sibexpocentre, Irkutska oblast, Rusija


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